Sunday, 17 February 2013

Character concept - Fox

So, here are the first sketches I drew for my fox character~

The version on the right hand side was my very first sketch. At the time I'd wanted to create a character who was rich, snooty, horrible and generally not nice at all. The short, hunched stature and un-tucked shirt lends to that vibe, I feel, along with the exaggerated angry eyes. The version on the left was a test of the more tall, elegant and gentlemanly counterpart to this character.

Not quite happy with that design, but still attracted to the thought of making my character a fox, I decided to turn around the personality a bit. He'd still be very haughty by nature, but instead of being contemptible he'd be polite and genteel while still remaining otherwise naive to the troubles of those less moneyed than him. There would be flaws in the sense that he would be well-meaning yet manage to appear cold and insensitive whenever he attempts to 'help' others - for example he would cast coins at a beggar's feet rather than stoop down to place them in a tin or hat. With this in mind I made the character more elongated and smooth, with a refined posture and a pose that is laid-back but not uncouth. The original, shorter version could perhaps be kept in mind as an idea for how this character becomes as he grows old - perhaps he will lose his rose-tinted view of the world and become cynical or mean-spirited.

After the initial sketch which would determine the general proportions and tone of my character, I redrew him again with the laid back pose I mentioned. It was at this point that I added props such as a cigar and brandy glass, which I felt were perfect items to show his privilege above others. (Another potential prop I have in mind would be a cane or pocket-watch.) After drawing the close-up sketch to the right, I decided I would prefer his head to be completely smooth, with no styled curls. I then drew the side view to see how it would look, and was pleased with him having a smooth teardrop-shaped head. Here I also decided to give him a smooth tail with the idea in mind that he would be far more groomed than a mangy street fox. His tail would by styled, the fur would be possibly be smoothed down with products, and he would always hold it aloft and elegantly curled to show his refinement.

With the basics of the character's proportions and character in mind, I must next draw various poses and expressions that will serve to develop him further - that and decide on a name, of course.

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